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Flux Cored Aluminum Welding Rods (3 lb Box)
These flux cored aluminum alloy rods are perfect for general aluminum welding. More specifically, they are perfect for welding aluminum frog supports into any of our aluminum horseshoes. These rods are easy to use and contain an extremely active flux formulation that helps prevent oxidation at the weld areas.

When welding frog inserts into aluminum shoes, it is recommended that you heat and shape your shoe prior to welding the insert in to the shoe. It is also important to keep the insert and shoe as close to the same temperature as possible. When you reach this point, insert the rod between the weld area and the flame. A consistent temperature helps the rod to flow freely. When welding is complete, flux residue can be removed with warm water and a stiff brush.

1/8" x 32" Long

Flux Cored Aluminum Welding Rods (3 lb Box)

SKU: 80 - Bin 3A
Out of Stock