The previous barium paste sold by Nanric was called E-Z-Paste® and Intropaste. Nanric now offers Varibar® Pudding, which is also a radiopaque paste that provides excellent radiographic visualization of the true hoof wall. One tube contains 230 mL. Applied in a continuous fine bead from the coronary band to the ground surface the paste appears as an opaque (white line) on your film. Due to the very thin depth of horn at the most proximal crown of the hoof wall the actual horn margin is never visible on even the softest penetrating views. Dr. Redden uses the paste as it provides more information than his previous wire technique. At best, the wire only touches the high spots along the face of the wall.
The paste has many advantages:
- Quick and easy to apply. Dr. Redden squeezes Varibar® Pudding into a 12 cc lure lock syringe with an cut 18 ozfor easier and consistent application. You can then tape the syringe casing to the side of your x-ray machine so that the syringe of E-Z-Paste® is readily available.
- Wipes off easily with a paper towel moistened with alcohol. Use one continuous wipe to avoid smearing.
- Clearly defines all growth rings and abnormal curvatures along the face of the capsule (valuable information concerning past history).
- Provides easy marker margins. Dr. Redden routinely starts the bead at the top of the coronary groove. A valuable landmark for monitoring sinkers.
- Provides accurate measurement of the horn lamellar thickness (H-L zone).
Dr. Redden measures just below the extensor process and at the apex of PIII. A perpendicular line from the bone to the opaque line. The horn lamellar zone is one of the most informative soft tissue perimeters within the foot as it is the first to change with significant bouts of laminitis and other soft tissue disease syndromes, (ref Radiography of the Equine Foot).
Varibar® Pudding Barium Sulfate Paste (230mL)